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  3. Ultra Screen Saver Maker
  4. Interface
  5. Images


You can add a variety of images (i.e. JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and TGA) into your screen saver. Ultra Screen Saver Maker allows you to sort and preview the images you have added. You can display images in their original size, a full screen or any other size of your choice. Moreover, you can adjust the duration of transitional effects between displayed images.

List of Images is a list of the images used in the screen saver. Click on any image to see its preview in the lower right corner.

Add… – Insert images into your screen saver project.

Remove – If you change your mind about some image, you can remove it from the list using this button.

Up – Shift selected image one place up in the List of Images.

Down – Shift selected image one place down in the List of Images.

Use Pause after image to set duration in seconds between changing different images on the screen.

Use Duration of effects to specify duration of transition effects between two images. To entirely disable effects set to zero (0).

Animated GIF duration puts you in control of duration of every animated GIF used. To disable GIF animation set to zero (0).

Use Image size to select image resizing model:

  • Original size – The same size as original
  • Zoom To Fit – Enlarge image to fit window if necessary
  • Shrink to Fit – Reduce image to fit window if necessary
  • Shrink or Zoom to Fit (default) – Enlarge or reduce image to fit window as necessary
  • Stretch – Stretch image to fit window without constraining proportions
  • Double size – Enlarge image twice
  • Full screen – Enlarge or reduce image, then crop it if necessary, to occupy full screen

To randomly position the image on the screen check Random position.

Check Shuffle images to display images in a random order. Otherwise they will be displayed in top to bottom order as shown in the List of Images.

Background of Images – See Background of Images section.

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